Work package 1


Preparatory measures for the start-up of the project


Related assumptions and risks

A: Support of the project by PC university management A: All partners’ agreement on the main concepts
R: Cultural differences hamper the communication between EU and PCs at the beginning of the project


A kick off meeting will be organized by WUH and RU and hosted by WHU with the aim to reach agreement and formalize a consortium agreement and legal framework, and discuss in detail project’s implementation, risks and risk mitigation. A side-objective is to get to know involved staff and students better and learn about each partner’s background, and envisaged impacts on dental curriculum innovation, staff professionalisation, and ultimately clinical decision making. Other activities in this WP are: -Recruitment of all teachers and students that have not yet been selected and that will be involved in the production of e-modules and research activities. A list of selection criteria will be made during the first project meeting and will include digital skills, expertise and level of knowledge of the module subject, and motivation. Contracts for involved students will be prepared. The project management structure will be filled out with further detail and coordinating and management roles that have not yet been assigned to persons will be assigned at this stage, by the WP leaders. ICT companies (tasks described in WP2) will be selected and contracted following EU tendering rules/ procurement directives. Contracts that include a specification of tasks and responsibilities with all advisory board members, suppliers of equipment and subcontracted parties, will be drafted and signed. Stakeholders, like national dental and student associations that have not yet formally confirmed their participation or support to the project, will be encouraged to sign or otherwise confirm their involvement to the project by the partner coordinator of their country . Personal networks of consortium members will be used to this end. All partner coordinators/ project board members will be responsible for an initial analysis of the curriculum, educational needs, restrictions and conditions, access to and system requirements, capacity of computers, analysis of end users (assessment of language and digital skills, volume, diversity, needs, wishes, knowledge level). Questionnaires to groups of MSc students, teachers, and the ICT sections of all partners will be used to this end.


1.1 Development of the consortium agreement and legal framework
1.2 The kick-off project meeting at WHU
1.3 Formation of the boards and WP teams
1.4 Inventory of needs (curriculum, competencies, users’ needs/ platform)

Estimated Start and End Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

15-11-2019 – 15-05-2020

Lead Organisation

Participating Organisation


Associate partners


Work package outcome 1.1

The consortium agreement and legal framework


A consortium agreement (CA) will include agreed details not covered by the grant agreement, such as the organisation of work, intellectual property management, privacy issues and informed consent with regard to use and distribution of patient oral photos in eCourses, liability, and future exploitation and dissemination of results.
The CA will form the basis of development of the eCampus and eCourses. The CA will be drafted by the Steering Committee (lead by RU) and validated through the Advisory and the Quality board. The CA will define the competences, knowledge and skills that students need to develop in the EDEMTET eCourses.
In particular, the CS will delineate the areas of expertise that are considered critical for dental professionals, in addition to the generally recognised areas of expertise (i.e. prosthodontics orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, endodontology, biomaterial science, research methodology).
The proposed core competences would include the ability to:
• apply a multidisciplinary (comprehensive) approach to treatment planning and clinical decision making, by integrating knowledge from different areas of dental and medical expertise in order to adequately address the dental problem as presented through a patient case
• retrieve and critically appraise available evidence and apply this to clinical decision making
• demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences in patients in the process of shared clinical decision making
• work effectively in a team-based manner in a national and international context
• communicate effectively with international peer student and teachers
ICT companies (tasks described in WP2) will be selected and contracted following EU tendering rules/ procurement directives. Contracts with all associate partners and ICT companies will be formalized and included as annexes to the CA.

Due date



Chinese (Cn), EN


Legal representatives of the institutes, all steering committee members



Work package outcome 1.2

Project kick-off meeting


WHU will organize and host a kick-off meeting, where the network (steering committee (management team and WP leaders), and members of advisory boards, quality control board and partner board will meet and discuss the project plan, needs and risk analysis, quality standards, course content, didactical approach, online campus concept, timeline. Outcomes and agreements will be recorded.

Due date





Department / Faculty, institution



Work package outcome 1.3

Formation of the Partner Board, Advisory Board and Quality Control Board and WP teams.


Members of the boards will be selected, Member responsibilities, tasks and guidelines for task implementation will be outlined. WHU will lead selecting of Chinese members, RU will lead selection of Dutch, UK and further EU-based members. Members of WP teams will be selected by all partners.

Due date



Cn, EN


Department / Faculty, institution



Work package outcome 1.4

Inventory of needs (curriculum, courses, platform).


Each partner will specify the curriculum needs, educational needs, restrictions and conditions, access to and system requirements, capacity of computers, analysis of end users (assessment of language and digital skills, volume, diversity, needs, wishes, knowledge level of curriculum building blocks, learning objectives and outcomes, pedagogy and didactical formats, time available for theory, practical work and self study; staff roles, assessment method and criteria and schedules and a number of other variables. Data are gathered through an online survey tool and reported on with this tool. Data will be analysed about 1. The options for embedding the EDEMTET materials within each curriculum. 2. implications of differences for course content and used patient cases 3. how the educational philosophy should be tweaked to obtain a ‘best fit’ of the intercultural e-courses in each school. 4. Needs with regard to accreditation. 5. Needs with regard to the e-platform. Because this output is on a policy level, it requires management level staffing. The steering committee will discuss the outcomes and will formulate conclusions. This needs analysis also serves as a baseline or 0-measurement which will later be used for research purposes and measuring effects of the use of project outcomes.

Due date



Cn, EN


Department / Faculty, institution